
How ASM Helps Your Business Succeed

February 9, 2018

3 min read

It’s been 25 rewarding years since Novatech started helping businesses succeed through their technology. In all that time, we’ve searched diligently for a way to simplify and improve how companies look at their IT as a whole.

While most business owners don’t actually care about how the behind-the-scenes technology works, they do care about knowing why it’s helping them succeed.

Naturally, any business that is hindered by their IT will suffer massively. Modern businesses must consolidate and focus their IT as a whole to attain boosted business performance, enhanced productivity, and improved collaboration.

But that’s all jargon. Here’s the simple truth.

To reap those benefits, you must put forth effort. Transforming your IT as a driver of success relies on focusing your efforts on four key categories, including:

  • IT Strategy
  • IT Organization
  • IT Operations
  • IT Infrastructure

IT Infrastructure and the ASM Framework

While the four key categories are all equally important, IT infrastructure is the best place to start putting forth effort.


It’s the easiest step to understand from those that are not tech-savvy. It’s also where we apply our secret to success – which frankly isn’t a secret at all. It boils down to three key components:

Availability, Security, and Mobility. We refer to it simply as “ASM”.


Of course, all businesses rely on constant availability to conduct business operations. Without uptime, businesses suffer tremendously. Downtime costs small businesses up to $8,600 per hour.

To keep your applications and productivity tools running through anything, you must invest in your hardware and software. That may mean choosing a more robust brand-name piece of equipment rather than going with a no-name that lasts significantly less.

You must also take proactive maintenance into consideration. Without adequate upkeep and optimization of your existing IT resources, you’re gambling on it working properly.


Security is a chief concern among companies around the world. Global spending on cybersecurity products and services are predicted to exceed $1 trillion over the next five years, from 2017 to 2021.

With so much data flowing freely in the digital realm, it’s important to prevent malicious actors from accessing and exploiting security weaknesses. Many organizations must also adhere to stringent regulatory compliance laws, which can bring unique challenges of their own.


When we say mobility, we’re talking about the ability to work anywhere, at any time. For example, voice over IP (VoIP) has quickly garnered a reputation as a reliable and scalable voice service option. It keeps you connected to your work via physical phones, mobile applications, and web services.

VoIP works in unison with messaging applications, such as Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams. They both keep communication channels open and direct and allow people to reach out from anywhere, as long as they’re connected to the internet.

Using ASM for Success

When all of the facets of your IT infrastructure meet the ASM philosophy, you’ll achieve IT nirvana. Together, everything functions as a unit to propel you towards success in your business goals and beyond.


Written By: Editorial Team

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