
Cloud Backup for Business Speed and Efficiency

January 29, 2020

3 min read

Business has changed a great deal over the past decade with more and more emphasis being given to mobility and efficiency. Technology has made tremendous advances possible, which enable employees to remain connected while out of the office, whether they are working from home or on the road. If you are the owner or an executive of a small to mid-sized company, while you may be aware of some of the technology available to you, you may not be aware of how using the cloud can help your business become fully mobile.

We suspect you already know that cloud backup is an important tool in fighting cyber-crime and in virtually eliminating the risk of data loss, data theft or data corruption, but we also see it as a valuable tool for employees who spend time working away from the office.

With technology like the Novatech Business Cloud, for example, you know that employees always have access to their important files. A sales person from Nashville who is visiting a client in Atlanta (or London, or Beijing) has the comfort of knowing that he/she can access any file, anywhere at anytime. Those of us who have spent time on the road know how it feels to believe you are fully prepared, that you have all the documents you need on your laptop or flash drive, only to discover that the client or prospect has unexpected questions that would best be answered by documents on your office desktop. How impressive would it be to have everything you need available with just a click? It not only shows that you are “business prepared”, it also shows that your company is technologically up-to-date. Today, that’s important.

There is also the matter of efficiency. CSpace, a multinational company dealing with a variety of business issues for their clients, uses the slogan “Moving at the speed of business.” The speed of today’s business is fast…very fast…and instant access helps you keep it moving that way. An annoying airport layover can turn into productive conversations with clients and prospects, or other team members. You have likely seen images of people sitting on the beach using their laptops from chaise lounges. While this may not be the ideal way to spend your vacation, it certainly beats coming back to the office to discover you lost “the big one.”

It put it succinctly, the cloud enables your mobile devices improved functionality which gives your employees improved productivity, which can only be positive for your bottom line.

There will be some who say that using the cloud in this manner opens the company up to security risks. Not so. Not when all mobile devices, both company owned and employee owned, that have access to your files are managed through a mobile device management system.

There is a lot of great technology out there and properly using it can help give you a competitive advantage. We have been working with small to mid-sized companies throughout the SouthEast since 1992. If you have any questions, give us a call at 866.252.6363 or visit



Written By: Editorial Team

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