Starting Your Company’s Digital Transformation
3 min read

Over the past two years, we have been speaking and writing a lot about digital transformation and how it can be a game-changer in what has become a truly digital world. (Think Uber, Netflix, Amazon and a ton of smaller companies). It’s truly revolutionary and since your business is already on its way (email, VoIP phones, Microsoft Office), we thought we would give you some suggestions on how to continue the march forward. And, by the way, here at DynaSis, we want to help your business grow and prosper by making sure that your upgrades are network safe and scalable.
Modernized Business Telephone Systems: Today’s business telephones using VoIP (voice over internet protocol) are exceptional business tools that can be used for much more than simply making calls. Today’s “Unified Communications” systems offer ease of use, flexibility and security that advances businesses in many areas. In fact, today your telephone system can be a business building asset.
Live in the Cloud with Office 365: Earlier in this piece we mentioned that by using MS Office you are already using digital technology. True. But Office 365, which relies on the cloud to feed you applications and files, takes the software to a whole new level. Office 365 offers an incredible array features that can save time, increase productivity, and add security. Will you use all these features? No. No business will. So, what if you don’t want to pay for a lot of features that you don’t need? You can select what you want and only pay for that. You never really buy Office 365; you “rent” what you need. At DynaSis, we are experts in Office 365 and we can help you design a cost-effective configuration that makes sense for your business.
Digitize Your Paper Files: It’s a process and it can take time, but once it has been completed, information becomes easily accessible, no matter how old it is. And misfiling becomes a thing of the past. Transferring or sharing documents between individuals, departments, even offices and clients in other cities becomes effortless.
Real-time Network Security Protection: Your vendors, partners, employees and, most of all, your customers, except a high level of security, and they have a right to. In today’s world of ever evolving cyber-crime, cyber-security is critical. Every business person today is aware of the attacks on major companies and governments over the past few years, but don’t be lulled into a false sense of security because you are a small to mid-sized business. The vast majority of cyber-attacks, including ransomware, are against small to mid-sized companies, just like yours. Make sure your managed IT support company provides real-time, real-live 24 x 7 x 365 monitoring, managing and maintaining of your network.
Protect Your Printers: Printers? Aren’t these essentially the same as they have been for years? Nope. Today’s printers are highly advanced and, consequently much more expensive. Because of this, many companies network their printers and have multiple employees using the same machines. There is nothing wrong with this, but the keyword here is “networked”. If your printers are networked through your IT infrastructure then they are vulnerable to cyber-attack and must be protected.
If you have any questions on any of the above suggestions, please give us a call at 777.569.4400 or visit us at