
The IT Skills Gap: How Expert Help Keeps Your Business Running

January 10, 2019

3 min read

Running a company is more than a full-time job, and it takes diligence, focus, and great management to make a business work well. But running a modern business means using modern methods of work. Small businesses need to be innovative to compete. This means using best-of-the-best technology solutions. Fortunately, with the advent of Cloud and mobile computing, the small to midsize business (SMB) can have the same type of technology as their enterprise cousins. But with this technology comes increased and often complex management issues.

Finding skilled staff to manage your IT resources is not easy and IT skills are hard to come by. Research into the skills gap shows growing concern in finding skilled staff. A study by Career Builder has shown that 60 percent of U.S. companies have vacancies that remain open after 12 weeks. The study also found that 67 percent of companies are concerned about a skills gap.

IT skills, and cybersecurity skills, in particular, are much sought after. The skills gap in cybersecurity is expected to see a shortfall of around 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs by 2021.

Let’s explore the benefits of engaging an IT support expert to make sure your technology use goes smoothly.

IT Support Benefits That Keep Your Operation Running Smoothly

Our businesses are embracing the digital revolution, just as our chances of finding a skilled person to maintain the technology is decreasing. Outsourcing IT tech support is the alternative that can give us the benefits of technology without the headache. Here are 5 reasons why you should hire an IT support expert:

Benefit 1: Reduced cost of staffing

The average salary for an in-house IT support person who has reached expert qualified level, is around $52K and can be up to $90K, without work benefits included. You are paying for expertise and using a fixed cost. In addition, in a SMB environment, the IT support person might not always be needed. Using managed IT support services allows you to use a variable cost model for your IT support and budget accordingly.

Benefit 2: Maintain core business focus

IT staff need to be trained in your company ethos, ways of working, and other areas. They require phones and other supplies. This takes time, money, and effort. Using a managed IT expert will allow you to focus on your core business. Novatech operates a close business relationship by taking the time to understand your business. The result is a seamless extension to your in-house staff.

Benefit 3: Access to top people

Managed IT services employ the best in their field. There may be a limited pool of skilled people, but they will gravitate to companies where they can showcase their strengths. Novatech managed services only employ domain experts with vast experience – we give you the best possible IT people for a fraction of the cost of recruiting and employing someone of that caliber directly.

Benefit 4: Access to better technology

Technology changes quickly. Having expert IT people who understand your business can ensure that the decisions you make around technology choices are the best for your organization. Having the most relevant technology in place, and working seamlessly during an upgrade, will keep your company competitive.

Benefit 5: Improved security

IT support is a vital cog in a wider technology machine. This includes working with you to improve your cybersecurity. Choosing a managed services company, like Novatech, who are experts in cybersecurity and compliance, gives you access to experienced staff. Hiring a managed services IT expert will mean your IT security is monitored. It also ensures that company day-to-day security issues, including everything from forgotten passwords to software patches to phishing emails, are taken care of promptly.


Focusing on your core business is vital in a competitive world. Hiring a managed IT expert allows you to do that, while at the same time, giving you access to best-of-the-best IT staff without the cost. In a world where IT skills are at a premium, and experienced staff expensive, having a partner like Novatech gives you access to scarce resources allowing you to focus on what you do best – your business. Call us today at 770.569.4600 to learn more about why Novatech is the Right Choice for Your IT Support!

Written By: Editorial Team

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