
The Evolution of Managed Print Services: A Journey from Chaos to Control

September 18, 2024

4 min read

Imagine your office a few decades ago—printers scattered across departments, each machine a black hole for resources and frustration. Toner shortages would grind productivity to a halt, while service calls added to the chaos. Print environments were uncontrolled, unmanaged, and slowly eating away at company budgets. This was the reality for many businesses before Managed Print Services (MPS) revolutionized the way companies handled their print infrastructure.

But how did we get from there to here, where MPS now sits at the intersection of technology, security, and business efficiency?


The Early Days: From Unseen Costs to Eye-Opening Solutions

The origins of MPS date back to the early 1990s, when businesses started realizing that their printing costs were spiraling out of control. In those days, printers were treated as standalone devices, each department handling its own fleet. No one knew exactly how much was being spent on printing—or how much could be saved.

The first step towards what we now call MPS began when forward-thinking vendors offered service contracts that extended beyond basic repairs. They offered businesses something new: visibility. By assessing a company’s print environment, providers could show exactly where resources were being wasted and offer solutions to streamline printing and reduce costs.

At the time, these services were reactive. Companies called for service when something broke, and providers responded. But even this level of attention to print environments was revolutionary—it was the beginning of taking control over a previously chaotic and costly area of business.


The Turning Point: From Reaction to Pro-action

As the 2000s approached, a shift began. Businesses no longer wanted to simply fix their printers—they wanted to manage their print environments. MPS took a significant step forward when providers moved from reactive maintenance to proactive management.

Through continuous monitoring, companies were now alerted to issues before they became problems. Automated supply ordering ensured toner was replaced before it ran out. Routine maintenance extended the life of devices. This proactive approach meant less downtime and fewer surprises.

MPS evolved further with the integration of software that tracked and controlled print usage. Suddenly, businesses had the power to enforce print policies that could reduce unnecessary costs. Double-sided printing became the default. Color prints were limited. Managers could analyze data on who was printing what, and when, and make adjustments accordingly.


Enter the Digital Age: Cloud, Security, and Flexibility

By the mid-2010s, the digital revolution had fully taken hold. Managed Print Services had to keep up, and they did so by expanding beyond the physical realm of printing. Suddenly, print services were connected to the cloud, allowing users to print from anywhere, on any device.

But as businesses became more interconnected, security concerns also grew. Printers, once seen as benign office equipment, became potential gateways for cyberattacks. MPS adapted again, embedding robust security features like encryption, user authentication, and secure print release. No longer was printing just about putting ink to paper—it was now about protecting sensitive data in a world where security breaches could be catastrophic.

MPS had officially moved into the realm of IT security, offering companies peace of mind while continuing to optimize and streamline their print environments.


2024: Managed Print Services as a Cornerstone of Business Efficiency

In 2024, Managed Print Services are no longer a stand-alone offering—they are a critical component of a company’s overall business strategy. Today’s MPS doesn’t just manage printers; it manages workflows, integrates with document management systems, and improves overall productivity. At Novatech, we’ve taken this evolution further with our Managed Office solution, where MPS works hand-in-hand with IT services, cloud solutions, and cybersecurity.

Companies now enjoy fully optimized print environments, with predictive maintenance ensuring that machines are serviced before they fail and data-driven insights allowing them to continuously adapt and improve their operations. MPS also plays a pivotal role in helping businesses meet their sustainability goals by reducing waste and energy consumption.

The future of MPS? We believe it lies in continued integration with business intelligence platforms, AI-driven optimizations, and even smarter security features that will ensure your print infrastructure is always one step ahead of evolving threats.


Ready to Take Control of Your Print Environment?

The evolution of Managed Print Services has been driven by the need for greater control, efficiency, and security. At Novatech, we’ve been at the forefront of that evolution, helping businesses like yours transform their print infrastructure into a seamless, cost-effective part of their operations. Whether you’re looking to streamline your processes, enhance security, or reduce costs, our tailored MPS solutions can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us today to schedule a Strategic Technology Review and discover how Novatech can bring your print environment into the future.

Written By: Editorial Team