
Print Security

One area where network vulnerabilities are often overlooked or misunderstood is print security. You might be here because you’re concerned about the security of your print environment or perhaps you’ve experienced a breach firsthand. Whatever the case, you’re not alone in navigating these concerns.

With a rich history of serving thousands of customers and deep partnerships with major print manufacturers, Novatech is uniquely positioned to address the intricacies of print security. Our expertise is not just limited to print; we collaborate with industry-leading cybersecurity platforms as an integral part of our cybersecurity offerings. Our team of dedicated network engineers possesses both the breadth and depth of knowledge to ensure a robust, secure print infrastructure.

By being at the intersection of printing and cybersecurity, Novatech has acquired an unparalleled understanding of the complexities involved in print security. We promise you a comprehensive overview of the challenges in print security, actionable insights drawn from our vast experience, and some best practices for fortifying your organization’s print environment against potential threats.

The Vital Importance of Print Security

Most businesses underestimate the potential security threat that lies within their print infrastructure. Modern printers, often connected to the cloud and integrated into a wider network, can become prime targets for cyberattacks. Just think about the sensitive information that passes through your printer daily, from confidential documents to data-rich white papers. Without robust printer security, this sensitive data can be vulnerable to unauthorized access or data breaches, leading to catastrophic results.


Diving Deeper: Why Your Print Security Matters

Whenever you send a print job to your printer, sensitive data is at play. Be it contracts, employee details, financial records, or any other sensitive document. Print security is more than safeguarding the print data; it’s about ensuring a security ink that maintains confidentiality from start to finish. With 76% of CIOs reporting ransomware attacks, according to HP, the emphasis on security printing cannot be understated.

The Novatech Advantage

Our managed print services, combined with insights from global industry leaders like HP, Canon, Konica Minolta, Sharp, Xerox, Brother, and PaperCut, offer a holistic approach to your print security needs. These are not every facet of print security we can deploy but is a great starting framework for your business to consider, as you consider your own print security policies.

Device Fortification: We regularly update firmware, disable unnecessary ports, and enforce stringent user authentication. This ensures your print device is secure from unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

Document Safeguarding: Implementing secure print release protocols, employing security features like watermarking, and ensuring print jobs are deleted post-printing, we prioritize your document security.

Network Defense: Your print environment is safeguarded with encrypted transmissions, firewalls, VPNs, and constant monitoring—ensuring your print data, whether in transit or at rest, remains impervious to threats.

Consistent Authentication: With a zero-trust design approach, we ensure every print request, regardless of its origin, undergoes rigorous user authentication.

Training and Support: Our professional services also include comprehensive training for your workforce, underlining the nuances of print security. Plus, our technical support is always on standby, ensuring your print fleet operates seamlessly.

Audits and Analysis: Using sophisticated print management solutions, we provide real-time monitoring of your print environment. This ensures early detection and rectification of potential vulnerabilities.

Moving Your Print Security Forward with Novatech

As businesses lean more towards cloud printing solutions and further digital integrations, the importance of a secure printing solution will only grow. Zero trust, while an excellent framework, is just the start. Continuous adaptation and monitoring are the keys. With print management becoming more complex, the relevance of security measures can’t be overstated.

Novatech, backed by its professional services and technical support, remains committed to upholding the highest standards of print security. Our cloud printing solutions, aligned with a zero-trust philosophy and a proactive approach to security threats, ensure your business’s print operations remain an asset, not a liability. In a world where sensitive information is always at risk, trust Novatech to fortify your print infrastructure. Secure every print, every time, from every device.


Answer: A zero-trust design approach is a security model that assumes no device or connection is trusted by default. This means that even if someone authenticated in the morning to print a document, they might have to authenticate again later in the day. Instead of relying on a traditional network perimeter to protect resources, a zero-trust approach verifies every connection and request before granting access. For print security, this means rigorous user authentication for every print request, regardless of its origin, ensuring optimal security in a hybrid workplace.

Answer: Novatech implements a comprehensive approach to print security that encompasses device fortification, document safeguarding, and network defense. Our security measures ensure encrypted transmissions, the use of firewalls, VPNs, and consistent monitoring. By prioritizing encrypted connections and actively monitoring the print environment, we ensure that print data, whether in transit or stored on the printer, remains impervious to threats.

Answer: We prioritize device security by regularly updating printer firmware to counteract the latest threats. In addition to updates, we disable unnecessary ports, enforce stringent user authentication, and apply patches as needed. Some of our partnered devices, like the ones from HP, have self-healing capabilities that can automatically recover from attacks. This proactive approach ensures that printer firmware remains resistant to unauthorized access and potential security breaches.