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How to Check and Clear Counters for Toshiba Department Management
1. From the Control Panel, press “User Functions User”.
2. Press the Admin tab along the bottom. Login with the default password of 123456.
3. Choose List Report. Choose List.
4.Choose NIC Configuration Page.
5. On your computer open a new internet browser tab and type in the IP address you got from the Configuration page and press enter. You will have one of the Web UI versions below. Some machines may go directly to a login screen.
6. Click Login and enter Admin as the Username and 123456 as the password. If the login is incorrect then reach out to your I.T. to see if they have changed the default credentials.
7. Click the User Management tab and Department Management. To Reset all counters for all Accounts click on Reset All Department Counters. For individual Accounts proceed to step 8.
8. Click on individual Department Names to see the Copy/Print Total for each account. Use the Reset Counters button to clear the individual Account’s volume.
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