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How to Setup MAC print defaults for Toshiba

1. Open “Safari” and go to the Novatech website. 


2. Click “File” at the top of the screen and then click “Print”. 


3. Make sure the correct printer is selected in the dropdown at the top and then look for the “Safari” dropdown. From here you can go through each section and choose your default options.

3a. If you don’t have the “Safari” dropdown, you may need to click “Show Details”.


4. Choose Layout and Turn 2 Sided to Off.


5. Next choose Color Settings 1 from the drop down and set the Color Type to Mono. If prints seem to like you can also set it to Black and White. You can still choose to print in color any time you like. This will just make the default Black vs having gray variations.


6. Under the Presets Menu select Save Current Settings as Preset and give it a name. Click Ok. Then click Print.  Any time you open an application make sure the Preset field  is set to the named Preset. After using an application for the first time with the Preset it will typically default that way. Any other options such as choosing Color or 2 Sided for a Print job can still be made with the Preset turned on.



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